Tales from an Iterant Jobber.

Part 1.

Sina Line Ferry


3rd March 1987 - 7:30pm

I have a couple of hours to kill so what could be more pleasant than writing a letter to you. Here I sit in this little cafe which is part of a vast complex of a waiting area, very ultra modern with four large TV's, each with its own vestibule so intending travellers can watch their own favourite programme instead of being bored out of their tiny minds. The décor is all a soft pint and blue with a spotlessly clean marble floor. How they keep it so clean with masses of people tramping all over it in snow covered muddy boots, I don't know. The only trouble is it's a bit cold underfoot. Overhead, a mirrored ceiling - trust the Swedes to think of a mirrored ceiling! At the end of thehall there is a little gaming room full of pinball machines, computer games and slot machines. Guess what it is called - right first time - "Las Vegas".

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